Mitigating climate biases in the mid-latitude North Atlantic by increasing model resolution: SST gradients and their relation to blocking and the jet

Athanasiadis, P.J., Ogawa, F., Omrani, N.-E., Keenlyside, N., Schiemann, R., Baker, A.J., Vidale, P.L., Bellucci, A., Ruggieri, P., Haarsma, R., Roberts, M., Roberts, C., Novak, L., Gualdi, S. 2022: Mitigating climate biases in the mid-latitude North Atlantic by increasing model resolution: SST gradients and their relation to blocking and the jet. J Clim.

Summary: Starting to resolve the oceanic mesoscale in climate models is a step change in model fidelity. This study examines how certain obstinate biases in the midlatitude North Atlantic respond to increasing resolution (from 1° to 0.25° in the ocean) and how such biases in sea surface temperature (SST) affect the atmosphere. Using a multi-model ensemble of historical climate simulations run at different horizontal resolutions, it is shown that a severe cold SST bias in the central North Atlantic, common to many ocean models, is significantly reduced with increasing resolution. The associated bias in the time-mean meridional SST gradient is shown to relate to a positive bias in low-level baroclinicity, while the cold SST bias causes biases also in static stability and diabatic heating in the interior of the atmosphere. The changes in baroclinicity and diabatic heating brought by increasing resolution lead to improvements in European blocking and eddy-driven jet variability. Across the multi-model ensemble a clear relationship is found between the climatological meridional SST gradients in the broader Gulf Stream Extension area and two aspects of the atmospheric circulation: the frequency of high-latitude blocking and the southern-jet regime. This relationship is thought to reflect the two-way interaction (with a positive feedback) between the respective oceanic and atmospheric anomalies. These North Atlantic SST anomalies are shown to be important in forcing significant responses in the midlatitude atmospheric circulation, including jet variability and the stormtrack. Further increases in oceanic and atmospheric resolution are expected to lead to additional improvements in the representation of Euro-Atlantic climate.

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Coupled stratosphere-troposphere-Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its importance for near-future climate projection

Omrani, NE., Keenlyside, N., Matthes, K., Boljka, L., Zanchettin, D., Jungclaus, JH., Lubis, SW. 2022: Coupled stratosphere-troposphere-Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its importance for near-future climate projection. npj Clim Atmos Sci.

Summary: Northern Hemisphere (NH) climate has experienced various coherent wintertime multidecadal climate trends in stratosphere, troposphere, ocean, and cryosphere. However, the overall mechanistic framework linking these trends is not well established. Here we show, using long-term transient forced coupled climate simulation, that large parts of the coherent NH-multidecadal changes can be understood within a damped coupled stratosphere/troposphere/ocean-oscillation framework. Wave-induced downward propagating positive stratosphere/troposphere-coupled Northern Annular Mode (NAM) and associated stratospheric cooling initiate delayed thermohaline strengthening of Atlantic overturning circulation and extratropical Atlantic-gyres. These increase the poleward oceanic heat transport leading to Arctic sea-ice melting, Arctic warming amplification, and large-scale Atlantic warming, which in turn initiates wave-induced downward propagating negative NAM and stratospheric warming and therefore reverse the oscillation phase. This coupled variability improves the performance of statistical models, which project further weakening of North Atlantic Oscillation, North Atlantic cooling and hiatus in wintertime North Atlantic-Arctic sea-ice and global surface temperature just like the 1950s–1970s.

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Recent Hadley Circulation Strengthening: A Trend or Multidecadal Variability?

Zaplotnik, Ž., M. Pikovnik, L. Boljka, L. 2022: Recent Hadley Circulation Strengthening: A Trend or Multidecadal Variability? J Clim.

Summary: This study explores the possible drivers of the recent Hadley circulation strengthening in the modern reanalyses. Predominantly, two recent generations of reanalyses provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts are used: the fifth-generation atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) and the interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim). Some results are also evaluated against other long-term reanalyses. To assess the origins of the Hadley cell (HC) strength variability, we employ the Kuo–Eliassen (KE) equation. ERA5 shows that both HCs were strengthening prior to the 2000s, but they have been weakening or remained steady afterward. Most of the long-term variability in the strength of the HCs is explained by the meridional gradient of diabatic (latent) heating, which is related to precipitation gradients. However, the strengthening of both HCs in ERA5 is larger than the strengthening expected from the observed zonal-mean precipitation gradient [estimated from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP)]. This suggests that the HC strength trends in the recent decades in ERA5 can be explained partly as an artifact of the misrepresentation of latent heating and partly through (physical) long-term variability. To show that the latter is true, we analyze ERA5 preliminary data for the 1950–78 period, other long-term (e.g., twentieth century) reanalyses, and sea surface temperature observational data. This reveals that the changes in the HC strength can be a consequence of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) and related diabatic and frictional processes, which in turn drive the global HC variability. This work has implications for further understanding of the long-term variability of the Hadley circulation.

Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

Prediction of the Northeast Arctic cod biomass in the Barents Sea

Mariko Koseki joined BCPU as an intern in autumn 2021. Mariko has a Masters in Environmental Science which she obtained at Hokkaido University in Japan.

“I, Mariko Koseki, am an intern within BCPU, and I have been working with Dr. Anne Britt Sandø at the Institute of Marine Research since autumn of 2021.
During the internship, we have focused on the Northeast Arctic cod (NEA cod/Gadus Morhua) biomass in the Barents Sea and developed regression models to predict variations in cod biomass in the future.
The NEA cod is one of the most important species in the Barents Sea for both the ecosystem and as a commercial stock. Several earlier studies reported that the recent warming condition in the Barents Sea has led to high cod biomass.
To construct regression models for total stock biomass of the NEA cod, we used hydrographic and biological variables, such as temperature, salinity, sea ice fraction, primary- and secondary production as explanatory variables. These variables were obtained from hindcast simulations with regional ocean and ecosystem models. Finally, we used the same regression models with variables from downscaled climate scenarios to project future variations in the NEA cod.
We found that several of the regression models have high prediction skills and captured the variations in total stock biomass in the Barents Sea well. Moreover, based on downscaled climate projections, we made maps of spatial distributions of cod biomass in the future. However, errors between observations and predictions of cod biomass necessitate further improvement of the regression models. Now we are preparing to publish this study as a scientific article.
I would like to thank everyone who has supported my internship, and I hope to make use of my experience in my next steps.” – Mariko

Metrics of the Hadley circulation strength and associated circulation trends

Pikovnik, M., Zaplotnik, Ž., Boljka, L., Žagar, N. 2022: Metrics of the Hadley circulation strength and associated circulation trends. Weather Clim Dynam.

Summary: This study compares trends in the Hadley cell (HC) strength using different metrics applied to the ECMWF ERA5 and ERA-Interim reanalyses for the period 1979–2018. The HC strength is commonly evaluated by metrics derived from the mass-weighted zonal-mean stream function in isobaric coordinates. Other metrics include the upper tropospheric velocity potential, the vertical velocity in the mid-troposphere, and the water vapour transport in the lower troposphere. Seven known metrics of HC strength are complemented here by a metric of the spatially averaged HC strength, obtained by averaging the stream function in the latitude–pressure (φp) plane, and by the total energy of zonal-mean unbalanced circulation in the normal-mode function decomposition. It is shown that metrics, which rely on single-point values in the φp plane, produce unreliable 40-year trends in both the northern and southern HCs, especially in ERA-Interim; magnitudes and even the signs of the trends depend on the choice of the HC strength metric. The two new metrics alleviate the vertical and meridional inhomogeneities of the trends in HC strength. The unbalanced energy metric suggests a positive HC trend in both reanalyses, whereas the metric based on averaging the stream function finds a significant positive trend only in ERA5.

Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

Editorial: Past Reconstruction of the Physical and Biogeochemical Ocean State

Masina, S., Counillon, F., Grégoire, M., Storto, A., Tsujino, H. 2022: Editorial: Past Reconstruction of the Physical and Biogeochemical Ocean State. Front Earth Sci.

Summary: Knowledge of the ocean’s physical, biogeochemical and ecosystem state and variability is crucial for understanding the evolution of our climate system and better predicting its future. However, the sparseness and inhomogeneous distribution of observations hinder the creation of sound 4-dimensional reconstructions of the past (for an overview of ocean observing systems see the Research Topic Oceanobs’19: An Ocean of Opportunity). Instead, we must rely on a combination of ocean modeling and data analysis to infer past changes. Over the last decade the quality of ocean reanalyses has improved mainly thanks to advances in data assimilation methods and more quality-controlled observation data sets. Reanalyses provide the best-possible state estimate by assimilating observations into a dynamical model (Balmaseda et al., 2015; Masina and Storto, 2017; Storto et al., 2019). In addition, advanced statistical mapping methods (e.g., objective or variational analysis) provide observation-based gridded fields whose resolution depends on the amount of available data (among many Cheng et al., 2017, Ishii et al., 2017; Boyer et al., 2018). For many variables, particularly biogeochemical, the lack of observations more strongly limits the spatial and temporal resolution of these gridded products (Fennel et al., 2019).

The Research Topic gathers contributions aiming at reconstructing the past physical, sea ice and biogeochemical state of the ocean using models in combination with data. Ocean reanalyses and observation-mapping are proposed to further our knowledge, to demonstrate their use in supporting various applications, and to increase confidence in these reconstructions within the scientific community. The products and applications described in this topic provide a foundation for their use in ecosystem-based management, policy advice to support mitigation and adaptation strategies, and in the identification of pathways towards a sustainable ocean.

Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

Skilful decadal-scale prediction of fish habitat and distribution shifts

Payne, M.R., Danabasoglu, G., Keenlyside, N., Matei, D., Miesner, A.K., Yang, S., Yeager, S.G. 2022: Skilful decadal-scale prediction of fish habitat and distribution shifts. Nat. Commun.

Summary: Many fish and marine organisms are responding to our planet’s changing climate by shifting their distribution. Such shifts can drive international conflicts and are highly problematic for the communities and businesses that depend on these living marine resources. Advances in climate prediction mean that in some regions the drivers of these shifts can be forecast up to a decade ahead, although forecasts of distribution shifts on this critical time-scale, while highly sought after by stakeholders, have yet to materialise. Here, we demonstrate the application of decadal-scale climate predictions to the habitat and distribution of marine fish species. We show statistically significant forecast skill of individual years that outperform baseline forecasts 3–10 years ahead; forecasts of multi-year averages perform even better, yielding correlation coefficients in excess of 0.90 in some cases. We also demonstrate that the habitat shifts underlying conflicts over Atlantic mackerel fishing rights could have been foreseen. Our results show that climate predictions can provide information of direct relevance to stakeholders on the decadal-scale. This tool will be critical in foreseeing, adapting to and coping with the challenges of a changing future climate, particularly in the most ocean-dependent nations and communities.

Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

Training a supermodel with noisy and sparse observations: a case study with CPT and the synch rule on SPEEDO – v.1

Schevenhoven, F., Carrassi, A. 2022: Training a supermodel with noisy and sparse observations: a case study with CPT and the synch rule on SPEEDO – v.1. Geosci. Model Dev.

Summary: As an alternative to using the standard multi-model ensemble (MME) approach to combine the output of different models to improve prediction skill, models can also be combined dynamically to form a so-called supermodel. The supermodel approach enables a quicker correction of the model errors. In this study we connect different versions of SPEEDO, a global atmosphere-ocean-land model of intermediate complexity, into a supermodel. We focus on a weighted supermodel, in which the supermodel state is a weighted superposition of different imperfect model states. The estimation, “the training”, of the optimal weights of this combination is a critical aspect in the construction of a supermodel. In our previous works two algorithms were developed: (i) cross pollination in time (CPT)-based technique and (ii) a synchronization-based learning rule (synch rule). Those algorithms have so far been applied under the assumption of complete and noise-free observations. Here we go beyond and consider the more realistic case of noisy data that do not cover the full system’s state and are not taken at each model’s computational time step. We revise the training methods to cope with this observational scenario, while still being able to estimate accurate weights. In the synch rule an additional term is introduced to maintain physical balances, while in CPT nudging terms are added to let the models stay closer to the observations during training. Furthermore, we propose a novel formulation of the CPT method allowing the weights to be negative. This makes it possible for CPT to deal with cases in which the individual model biases have the same sign, a situation that hampers constructing a skillfully weighted supermodel based on positive weights. With these developments, both CPT and the synch rule have been made suitable to train a supermodel consisting of state of the art weather and climate models.

Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

On the trail of the disappearing polar sea ice

Jakob Dörr is a PhD student at the University of Bergen, working with Marius Årthun in the BCPU research area on “Understanding mechanisms for climate predictability”. In the spring of 2022, he travelled to California, to visit Dave Bonan. For four weeks, Jakob had the opportunity to work with Dave and his working group at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. Dave is also a PhD student, and also interested in understanding present and future changes in the Earth’s sea ice cover, and which processes these are caused by.

In the Arctic, the sea ice cover has strongly declined in all seasons over the last 40 years, and this is mostly due to the Earth’s warming, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. However, because the sea ice interacts with the ocean and the atmosphere and is thus part of the chaotic climate system, it is affected by random fluctuations and internal variability which is independent from the long-term warming trend. These variability modes can affect the sea ice for periods of up to several decades. It is therefore not entirely clear exactly how much of the sea ice loss we have observed over the last decades was due to global warming, and how much was because of internal variability. Dave and Jakob are working to detect and separate those variability modes that affect the sea ice over long periods (decades and longer) in the observational record of sea ice. They use a novel technique developed by Robb Wills at the University of Washington.

Jakob and Dave are hoping to determine for different regions of the Arctic, which modes of variability affect the sea ice cover, and how much their influence compares to the long-term sea ice loss due to global warming. This will help to understand and attribute past sea ice changes and enhance our ability to predict the future regional sea ice loss. While Jakob focuses on the Arctic, Dave applies the same technique to the Antarctic, where a steady increase in sea ice cover over the last decades, followed by a strong decline since 2016, has been observed. Their analysis might shed some light on the mechanisms behind this puzzling evolution, and how much of it was caused by changes due to global warming. The goal of the BCPU-supported visit was to prepare work for two separate publications on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, respectively, and to discuss how experience from observations can be applied to analyse climate model simulations of future sea ice change.

“During the visit, we exchanged our experience and discussed new ideas for our analysis. I also got to meet scientists in both the Oceanography (Andrew Thompson) and the Climate Dynamics (Tapio Schneider) group at Caltech. I was also lucky to come at a time where Caltech was opening fully again, with many international scientists visiting the institute. Furthermore, I got invited to be part of a sea ice reading course where we had intense discussions about sea ice models, trends and mechanisms with Dave and other members of the Oceanography group. On top of that, I had the chance to visit some friends from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in San Diego. I had a lot of interactions during the visit and learned a lot about how science is conducted at Caltech and other US institutions. I hope that I can continue the collaboration between Caltech and the Bjerknes Center beyond our work on sea ice observations. The visit showed me how important it is to physically meet people to exchange ideas and develop collaborations across the globe. There are plans that Dave visits us in Bergen next spring, and I hope to return to Pasadena after that.” – Jakob Dörr

Predicting Arctic sea ice for the marine transport sector

Image credit: Copernicus Marine Service

Check out this nice article by Dr. Ellen Viste at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, on the evaluation of sea ice models and how far we are to being able to provide reliable, near-term sea-ice predictions:

Read the article: Predicting Arctic sea ice.

In it, we hear from Tarkan Bilge, our BCPU data manager, and his recent paper on sea ice thickness forecasts to support Arctic marine transport, together with other collaborating scientists at our partner, NERSC, among others.