Research Activity 2 – Data assimilation for improved climate prediction

Advancing the formalism of data assimilation (DA) in the field of climate prediction improves forecast skill. DA is the entire process that provides the best-possible state estimate based on observations, a dynamical model and statistical information. DA has been key in advancing the understanding and exploiting the predictability features of complex nonlinear systems such as the weather. RA2 will extend the application of a state-of-the-art DA class of methods, the ensemble DA, to climate prediction. Ensemble-DA methods have the greatest potential because of their flexibility and straightforward implementation11.

T2.1 The climate system includes complex, coupled phenomena over wide, separated, spatial and temporal scales (atmosphere, ocean, land surface, cryosphere). DA procedures, on the other hand, are mostly designed to deal with a single dominant scale of motion or under the assumption of weak coupling37. BCPU will study strongly coupled DA, which allows information from the observations to be propagated across all model components simultaneously and consistently. In this task we will make extensive use of theory and utilize a hierarchy of low-order coupled models38. The leading average approach39, and more generally the error propagation in coupled dynamics, will be studied in the face of the spatial and temporal scales separation among atmosphere and ocean.

T2.2 Sampling errors limit the efficiencty of ensemble methods in high-dimensional systems. A notorious, somehow ad-hoc, manner to handle this issue is know as localisation, in which only observations within a specified isotropic local domain surrounding the analysis point are considered. We will formulate a new non-isotropic local domain surrounding the analysis points are considered. We will formulate a new non-isotropic, multivariate and spatially varying localisation method in order to handle updates across model components of separated spatial scale.

T2.3 We will combine in-depth analysis of the scale interactions (RA1, T2.1) and improved localization method (T2.2) to develop strongly coupled DA ocean-sea ice-atmosphere assimilation within NorCPM. The strongly coupled DA will be refined through twin experiments and then with observational data.

T2.4 Reanalysis and DA statistics from the ensemble will help improve understanding of the coupling mechanisms and reduce model error. We shall perform two long-term reanalysis; one using a stratosphere- resolving strongly coupled DA ocean – sea ice (NorCPM1) and a second with an improved model (T1.4) and strongly coupled DA ocean – sea ice – atmosphere (T2.3) DA (NorCPM2).


  • Sandø, A.B., Hjøllo, S.S., Hansen, C., Skogen, M.D., Hordoir, R., Sundby,S. 2024: A multi-scenario analysis of climate impacts on plankton and fish stocks in northern seas. Summary: Globally, impacts of climate change display an increasingly negative development of marine biomass, but there is large regional variability. In this analysis of future climate change on stock productivity proxies for the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea, we have provided calculations of accumulated directional effects as a function of climate exposure and sensitivity attributes. Based on modelled changes in physical and biogeochemical variables from three scenarios and knowledge of 13 different stocks’ habitats and response to climate variations, climate exposures have been weighted, and corresponding directions these have on the stocks have been decided. SSP1-2.6 gives mostly a weak cooling in all regions with almost negligible impacts on all stocks. SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 both provide warmer conditions in the long term but are significantly different in the last 30 years of the century when the SSP5-8.5 warming is much stronger. The results show that it is the current stocks of cod and Calanus finmarchicusin the North Sea, and polar cod and capelin in the Barents Sea that will be most negatively affected by strong warming. Stocks that can migrate north into the northern seas such as hake in the Norwegian Sea, or stocks that are near the middle of the preferred temperature range such as mackerel and herring in the Norwegian Sea and cod and Calanus finmarchicus in the Barents Sea, are the winners in a warmer climate. The highly different impacts between the three scenarios show that multiple scenario studies of this kind matter. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Polkova, I, Swingedouw, D., Hermanson, L., Köhl, A., Stammer, D., Smith, D., Kröger, J., Bethke, I., Yang, X., Zhang, L., Nicolì, D., Athanasiadis, P., Karami, P., Pankatz, K., Pohlmann, H., Wu, B., Bilbao, R., Ortega, P., Yang, S., Sospedra-Alfonso, R., Merryfield, W., Kataoka, T., Tatebe, H., Imada, Y., Ishii, M., Matear, R. 2023: Initialization shock in the ocean circulation reduces skill in decadal predictions of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. Front Clim. doi: Summary: Due to large northward heat transport, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) strongly affects the climate of various regions. Its internal variability has been shown to be predictable decades ahead within climate models, providing the hope that synchronizing ocean circulation with observations can improve decadal predictions, notably of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG). Climate predictions require a starting point which is a reconstruction of the past climate. This is usually performed with data assimilation methods that blend available observations and climate model states together. There is no unique method to derive the initial conditions. Moreover, this can be performed using full-field observations or their anomalies superimposed on the model’s climatology to avoid strong drifts in predictions. How critical ocean circulation drifts are for prediction skill has not been assessed yet. We analyze this possible connection using the dataset of 12 decadal prediction systems from the World Meteorological Organization Lead Centre for Annual-to-Decadal Climate Prediction. We find a variety of initial AMOC errors within the predictions related to a dynamically imbalanced ocean states leading to strongly displaced or multiple maxima in the overturning structures. This likely results in a blend of what is known as model drift and initial shock. We identify that the AMOC initialization influences the quality of the SPG predictions. When predictions show a large initial error in their AMOC, they usually have low skill for predicting internal variability of the SPG for a time horizon of 6-10 years. Full-field initialized predictions with low AMOC drift show better SPG skill than those with a large AMOC drift. Nevertheless, while the anomaly-initialized predictions do not experience large drifts, they show low SPG skill when skill also present in historical runs is removed using a residual correlation metric. Thus, reducing initial shock and model biases for the ocean circulation in prediction systems might help to improve their prediction for the SPG beyond 5 years. Climate predictions could also benefit from quality-check procedure for assimilation/initialization because currently the research groups only reveal the problems in initialization once the set of predictions has been completed, which is an expensive effort. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Myksvoll, M. S., Sandø, A. B., Tjiputra, J., Samuelsen, A., Çağlar Yumruktepe, V., Li, C., Mousing, E. A., Bettencourt, J.P.H., Ottersen, G. 2023: Key physical processes and their model representation for projecting climate impacts on subarctic atlantic net primary production: A synthesis. Progress in Oceanography. Summary: Oceanic net primary production forms the foundation of marine ecosystems. Understanding the impact of climate change on primary production is therefore critical and we rely on Earth System Models to project future changes. Stemming from their use of different physical dynamics and biogeochemical processes, these models yield a large spread in long-term projections of change on both the global and regional scale. Here we review the key physical processes and biogeochemical parameterizations that influence the estimation of primary production in Earth System Models and synthesize the available projections of productivity in the subarctic regions of the North Atlantic. The key processes and modelling issues we focus on are mixed layer depth dynamics, model resolution and the complexity and parameterization of biogeochemistry. From the model mean of five CMIP6 models, we found a large increase in PP in areas where the sea ice retreats throughout the 21st century. Stronger stratification and declining MLD in the Nordic Seas, caused by sea ice loss and regional freshening, reduce the vertical flux of nutrients into the photic zone. Following the synthesis of the primary production among the CMIP6 models, we recommend a number of measures: constraining model hindcasts through the assimilation of high-quality long-term observational records to improve physical and biogeochemical parameterizations in models, developing better parameterizations for the sub-grid scale processes, enhancing the model resolution, downscaling and multi-model comparison exercises for improved regional projections of primary production. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Byermoen, Emilie. 2023: Trends and internal variability in Brazilian hydropower catchments. Master’s thesis, University of Bergen, Norway. Summary: Hydropower is a major energy source in Brazil, and long-term hydropower production planning is crucial both for maintaining energy and water security in the country. The amount of water that is available to electricity production in the reservoirs have changed in the recent years, and there is an urgent need to understand the cause(s) of these changes, and whether observed stream flow trends will persist, reverse or amplify in the future. In this thesis, I therefore separate externally forced precipitation and evaporation trends and variability from internal variations originating in the ocean for three hydrographic catchments in Brazil: Óbidos catchment in Amazon, Propria catchment in São Francisco and Porto Murtinho catchment in Paraguay. I compare an ocean anomaly assimilation experiment of Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) to an externally forced historical experiment and observed stream flow, precipitation and evaporation in the catchments. The results indicate that the multi-decadal increasing stream flow trend in Amazon is (partly) externally forced, and might therefore persist, but that the SON stream flow is tightly connected to JJA precipitation variation which is shown to be driven by ocean variation, and may therefore reverse in the future. The long-term decrease of precipitation in São francisco is likely to be caused by internal variability, and is therefore likely to (partly) restore in the future, but results indicate that decadal stream flow variations in the basin is substantially impacted by other factors than precipitation as well. São Francisco catchment is found to be strongly connected to DJF precipitation variations that the model is unable to replicate. In Paraguay, I find that the austral summer stream flow is tightly connected to inter-annual precipitation variability that originates in the ocean in austral winter and spring. The steep significant decrease in stream flow over the last decades in Paraguay catchment is likely to have additional causes than precipitation, according to the results. All the results have implications for hydropower and water management planning in the three catchments in Brazil. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Fransner, F., Olsen, A., Årthun, M., Counillon, F., Tjiputra, J., Samuelsen, A., Keenlyside, N. 2023: Phytoplankton abundance in the Barents Sea is predictable up to five years in advance. Commun Earth Environ. Summary: The Barents Sea is a highly biologically productive Arctic shelf sea with several commercially important fish stocks. Interannual-to-decadal predictions of its ecosystem would therefore be valuable for marine resource management. Here, we demonstrate that the abundance of phytoplankton, the base of the marine food web, can be predicted up to five years in advance in the Barents Sea with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model. We identify two different mechanisms giving rise to this predictability; 1) in the southern ice-free Atlantic Domain, skillful prediction is a result of the advection of waters with anomalous nitrate concentrations from the Subpolar North Atlantic; 2) in the northern Polar Domain, phytoplankton predictability is a result of the skillful prediction of the summer ice concentration, which influences the light availability. The skillful prediction of the phytoplankton abundance is an important step forward in the development of numerical ecosystem predictions of the Barents Sea. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Knudsen, Carina. 2023: Factors influencing interannual variability of Belg rain in Ethiopia. Master’s thesis, University of Bergen, Norway. Summary: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the factors affecting the interannual variability of the Belg rain in Ethiopia, in addition to see in which degree the NorESM can capture these factors. A significant connection was found between Belg rain and five ocean regions: Agulhas current, the northern and southern patch of the PMM, Benguela Niño, and the Indian Ocean. There was also found a connection between Belg rainfall in Ethiopia and a negative NAO index and La Niña events. The results showed that the wind pattern over the Indian Ocean is a large contributor, in addition to the Subtropical Westerly Jet. The weather in Ethiopia is highly variable, and capturing this variability has been a major challenge. Investigating the factors causing interannual variability is an important step in improving seasonal predictions and climate services. These predictions can contribute to warning systems in case of extreme events, which is important due to Ethiopia’s dependence on agriculture. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • King, M.P., Keenlyside, N., Li, C. 2023: ENSO teleconnections in terms of non-NAO and NAO atmospheric variability. Clim Dyn. Summary: The validity of the long-held understanding or assumption that El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a remote influence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the January–February–March (JFM) months has been questioned recently. We examine this claim further using atmospheric data filtered to separate the variability orthogonal and parallel to NAO. This decomposition of the atmospheric fields is based on the Principal Component/Empirical Orthogonal Function method whereby the leading mode of the sea-level pressure in the North Atlantic sector is recognised as the NAO, while the remaining variability is orthogonal (unrelated) to NAO. Composite analyses indicate that ENSO has statistically significant links with both the non-NAO and NAO variability at various atmospheric levels. Additional bootstrap tests carried out to quantify the uncertainty and statistical significance confirm these relationships. Consistent with previous studies, we find that an ENSO teleconnection in the NAO-related variability is characterised by lower-stratospheric eddy heat flux anomalies (related to the vertical propagation of planetary waves) which appear in November–December and strengthen through JFM. Under El Niño (La Niña), there is constructive (destructive) interference of anomalous eddy heat flux with the climatological pattern, enhancing (reducing) fluxes over the northern Pacific and Barents Sea areas. We further show that the teleconnection of extreme El Niño is essentially a non-NAO phenomenon. Some non-linearity of the teleconnections is suggested, with El Niño including more NAO-related variability than La Niña, but the statistical significance is degraded due to weaker signals and smaller sample sizes after the partitioning. Our findings have implications for the general understanding of the nature of ENSO teleconnections over the North Atlantic, as well as for refining methods to characterise and evaluate them in models. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Kjesbu, O.S., Alix, M., Sandø, A.B., Strand, E., Wright, P.J., Johns, D.G., Thorsen, A., Marshall, C.T., Bakkeplass, K.G., Vikebø, F.B., Myksvoll, M.S., Ottersen, G., Allan, B.J.M., Fossheim, M., Stiansen, J.E., Huse, G., Sundby, S. 2023: Latitudinally distinct stocks of Atlantic cod face fundamentally different biophysical challenges under on-going climate change. Fish and Fisheries. Summary: Observed and future winter Arctic sea ice loss is strongest in the Barents Sea. However, the anthropogenic signal of the sea ice decline is superimposed by pronounced internal variability that represents a large source of uncertainty in future climate projections. A notable manifestation of internal variability is rapid ice change events (RICEs) that greatly exceed the anthropogenic trend. These RICEs are associated with large displacements of the sea ice edge which could potentially have both local and remote impacts on the climate system. In this study we present the first investigation of the frequency and drivers of RICEs in the future Barents Sea, using multi-member ensemble simulations from CMIP5 and CMIP6. A majority of RICEs are triggered by trends in ocean heat transport or surface heat fluxes. Ice loss events are associated with increasing trends in ocean heat transport and decreasing trends in surface heat loss. RICEs are a common feature of the future Barents Sea until the region becomes close to ice-free. As their evolution over time is closely tied to the average sea ice conditions, rapid ice changes in the Barents Sea may serve as a precursor for future changes in adjacent seas. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Gao, S., Schwinger, J., Tjiputra, J., Bethke, I., Hartmann, J., Mayorga, E., Heinze, C. 2023: Riverine impact on future projections of marine primary production and carbon uptake. Biogeosciences. Summary: Riverine transport of nutrients and carbon from inland waters to the coastal and finally the open ocean alters marine primary production (PP) and carbon (C) uptake regionally and globally. So far, this process has not been fully represented and evaluated in the state-of-the-art Earth system models. Here we assess changes in marine PP and C uptake projected under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 climate scenario using the Norwegian Earth system model, with four riverine transport configurations for nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and iron), carbon, and total alkalinity: deactivated, fixed at a recent-past level, coupled to simulated freshwater runoff, and following four plausible future scenarios. The inclusion of riverine nutrients and carbon at the 1970 level improves the simulated contemporary spatial distribution of annual mean PP and air–sea CO2 fluxes relative to observations, especially on the continental margins (5.4 % reduction in root mean square error (RMSE) for PP) and in the North Atlantic region (7.4 % reduction in RMSE for C uptake). While the riverine nutrients and C input is kept constant, its impact on projected PP and C uptake is expressed differently in the future period from the historical period. Riverine nutrient inputs lessen nutrient limitation under future warmer conditions as stratification increases and thus lessen the projected decline in PP by up to 0.66 ± 0.02 Pg C yr−1 (29.5 %) globally, when comparing the 1950–1999 with the 2050–2099 period. The riverine impact on projected C uptake depends on the balance between the net effect of riverine-nutrient-induced C uptake and riverine-C-induced CO2 outgassing. In the two idealized riverine configurations the riverine inputs result in a weak net C sink of 0.03–0.04 ± 0.01 Pg C yr−1, while in the more plausible riverine configurations the riverine inputs cause a net C source of 0.11 ± 0.03 Pg C yr−1. It implies that the effect of increased riverine C may be larger than the effect of nutrient inputs in the future on the projections of ocean C uptake, while in the historical period increased nutrient inputs are considered the largest driver. The results are subject to model limitations related to resolution and process representations that potentially cause underestimation of impacts. High-resolution global or regional models with an adequate representation of physical and biogeochemical shelf processes should be used to assess the impact of future riverine scenarios more accurately. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

  • Kvamsdal, S.F., Dankel, D., Ekerhovd, N.-A., Hoel, A.H., Renner, A., Sandø, A.B., Steinshamn, S.I. 2022: Multidisciplinary perspectives on living marine resources in the Arctic. Polar Research. Summary: Many areas in the Arctic are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We observe large-scale effects on physical, biological, economic and social parameters, including ice cover, species distributions, economic activity and regional governance frameworks. Arctic living marine resources are affected in various ways. A holistic understanding of these effects requires a multidisciplinary enterprise. We synthesize relevant research, from oceanography and ecology, via economics, to political science and international law. We find that multidisciplinary research can enhance our understanding and promote new questions and issues relating to impacts and outcomes of climate change in the Arctic. Such issues include recent insights on changing spawning migrations of the North-east Arctic cod stock that necessitates revisions of socioeconomic estimates of ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea, better integrated prediction systems that require increased cooperation between experts on climate prediction and ecosystem modelling, and institutional complexities of Arctic governance that require enhanced coordination. Link to publication. You are most welcome to contact us or the corresponding author(s) directly, if you have questions.

Group members

Noel Keenlyside BCPU leader (2018-present)

Noel Keenlyside

Role: BCPU leader (2018-present)


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Alberto Carrassi RA2 co-leader (2018-2019)

Alberto Carrassi

Role: RA2 co-leader (2018-2019)


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Francois Counillon RA2 co-leader (2018-present)

Francois Counillon

Role: RA2 co-leader (2018-present)


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Sébastien Barthélémy Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)

Sébastien Barthélémy

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)


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Tarkan Bilge Data manager and software engineer (2021-present)

Tarkan Bilge

Role: Data manager and software engineer (2021-present)


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Julien Brajard Researcher in RA2 (2020-present)

Julien Brajard

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2020-present)


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Lilian Garcia PhD student in RA2 (2021-present)

Lilian Garcia

Role: PhD student in RA2 (2021-present)


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Madlen Kimmritz Researcher in RA2 (2018-2019)

Madlen Kimmritz

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2018-2019)


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Andreas Hadsel Opsvik Communications (2019-present)

Andreas Hadsel Opsvik

Role: Communications (2019-present)


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Akhilesh Nair Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)

Akhilesh Nair

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)


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Rocio Castano Primo Data Manager (2018-present)

Rocio Castano Primo

Role: Data Manager (2018-present)


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Francine Schevenhoven Postdoc affiliated to RA1 (2019-present)

Francine Schevenhoven

Role: Postdoc affiliated to RA1 (2019-present)


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Mao-Lin Shen Researcher in RA1 and RA3 (2018-present)

Mao-Lin Shen

Role: Researcher in RA1 and RA3 (2018-present)


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Edson Silva PhD student in RA2 (2021-present)

Edson Silva

Role: PhD student in RA2 (2021-present)


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Avneet Singh PhD student in RA2 (2019-2020)

Avneet Singh

Role: PhD student in RA2 (2019-2020)


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Tarkeshwar Singh Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)

Tarkeshwar Singh

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2021-present)


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Mahaut de Vareilles Project manager (2018-present)

Mahaut de Vareilles

Role: Project manager (2018-present)


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Yiguo Wang Researcher in RA2 (2018-present)

Yiguo Wang

Role: Researcher in RA2 (2018-present)


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