Category: PublicationsRA2

Combining data assimilation and machine learning to emulate a dynamical model from sparse and noisy observations: A case study with the Lorenz 96 model.

Brajard, J., Carrassi, A., Bocquet, M., Bertino, L. 2020: Combining data assimilation and machine learning to emulate a dynamical model from sparse and noisy observations: A case study with the Lorenz 96 model. Geoscientific Model Development. .

Summary: A novel method, based on the combination of data assimilation and machine learning is introduced. The new hybrid approach is designed for a two-fold scope: (i) emulating hidden, possibly chaotic, dynamics and (ii) predicting their future states. The method consists in applying iteratively a data assimilation step, here an ensemble Kalman filter, and a neural network. Data assimilation is used to optimally combine a surrogate model with sparse noisy data. The output analysis is spatially complete and is used as a training set by the neural network to update the surrogate model. The two steps are then repeated iteratively. Numerical experiments have been carried out using the chaotic 40-variables Lorenz 96 model, proving both convergence and statistical skill of the proposed hybrid approach. The surrogate model shows short-term forecast skill up to two Lyapunov times, the retrieval of positive Lyapunov exponents as well as the more energetic frequencies of the power density spectrum. The sensitivity of the method to critical setup parameters is also presented: the forecast skill decreases smoothly with increased observational noise but drops abruptly if less than half of the model domain is observed. The successful synergy between data assimilation and machine learning, proven here with a low-dimensional system, encourages further investigation of such hybrids with more sophisticated dynamics.

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Ocean Biogeochemical Predictions—Initialization and Limits of Predictability

Fransner, F., Counillon, F., Bethke, I., Tjiputra, J., Samuelsen, A., Nummelin, A., Olsen, A. 2020: Ocean Biogeochemical Predictions—Initialization and Limits of Predictability. Front Mar Sci. .

Summary: Predictions of ocean biogeochemistry, such as primary productivity and CO2 uptake, would help to understand the changing marine environment and the global climate. There is an emerging number of studies where initialization of ocean physics has led to successful predictions of ocean biogeochemistry. It is, however, unclear how much these predictions could be improved by also assimilating biogeochemical data to reduce uncertainties of the initial conditions. Further, the mechanisms that lead to biogeochemical predictability are poorly understood. Here we perform a suite of idealized twin experiments with an Earth System Model (ESM) with the aim to (i) investigate the role of biogeochemical tracers’ initial conditions on their predictability, and (ii) understand the physical processes that give rise to, or limit, predictability of ocean carbon uptake and export production. Our results suggest that initialization of the biogeochemical state does not significantly improve interannual-to-decadal predictions, which we relate to the strong control ocean physics exerts on the biogeochemical variability on these time scales. The predictability of ocean carbon uptake generally agrees well with the predictability of the mixed layer depth (MLD), suggesting that the predictable signal comes from the exchange of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) with deep-waters. The longest predictability is found in winter in at high latitudes, as for sea surface temperature and salinity, but the predictability of the MLD and carbon exchange is lower as it is more directly influenced by the atmospheric variability, e.g., the wind. The predictability of the annual mean export production is, on the contrary, nearly non-existing at high latitudes, despite the strong predictive skill for annual mean nutrient concentrations in these regions. This is related to the low predictability of the physical state of the summer surface ocean. Due to the shallow mixed layer it is decoupled from the ocean below and therefore strongly influenced by the chaotic atmosphere. Our results show that future studies need to target the predictability of the mixed layer to get a better understanding of the real-world predictability of ocean biogeochemistry.

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Seasonal to decadal predictions of regional Arctic sea ice by assimilating sea surface temperature in the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model

Dai, P., Gao, Y., Counillon, F., Wang, Y., Kimmritz, M., Langehaug, H.R. 2020: Seasonal to decadal predictions of regional Arctic sea ice by assimilating sea surface temperature in the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model. Clim Dyn 54, 3863–3878. .

Summary: The version of the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) that only assimilates sea surface temperature (SST) with the Ensemble Kalman Filter has been used to investigate the seasonal to decadal prediction skill of regional Arctic sea ice extent (SIE). Based on a suite of NorCPM retrospective forecasts, we show that seasonal prediction of pan-Arctic SIE is skillful at lead times up to 12 months, which outperforms the anomaly persistence forecast. The SIE skill varies seasonally and regionally. Among the five Arctic marginal seas, the Barents Sea has the highest SIE prediction skill, which is up to 10–11 lead months for winter target months. In the Barents Sea, the skill during summer is largely controlled by the variability of solar heat flux and the skill during winter is mostly constrained by the upper ocean heat content/SST and also related to the heat transport through the Barents Sea Opening. Compared with several state-of-the-art dynamical prediction systems, NorCPM has comparable regional SIE skill in winter due to the improved upper ocean heat content. The relatively low skill of summer SIE in NorCPM suggests that SST anomalies are not sufficient to constrain summer SIE variability and further assimilation of sea ice thickness or atmospheric data is expected to increase the skill.

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On Temporal Scale Separation in Coupled Data Assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter

Tondeur, M., Carrassi, A., Vannitsem, S., Bocquet, M. 2020: On Temporal Scale Separation in Coupled Data Assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. J Stat Phys 179, 1161–1185. .

Summary: Data assimilation for systems possessing many scales of motions is a substantial methodological and technological challenge. Systems with these features are found in many areas of computational physics and are becoming common thanks to increased computational power allowing to resolve finer scales and to couple together several sub-components. Coupled data assimilation (CDA) distinctively appears as a main concern in numerical weather and climate prediction with major efforts put forward by meteo services worldwide. The core issue is the scale separation acting as a barrier that hampers the propagation of the information across model components (e.g. ocean and atmosphere). We provide a brief survey of CDA, and then focus on CDA using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), a widely used Monte Carlo Gaussian method. Our goal is to elucidate the mechanisms behind information propagation across model components. We consider first a coupled system of equations with temporal scale difference, and deduce that: (i) cross components effects are strong from the slow to the fast scale, but, (ii) intra-component effects are much stronger in the fast scale. While observing the slow scale is desirable and benefits the fast, the latter must be observed with high frequency otherwise the error will grow up to affect the slow scale. Numerical experiments are performed using the atmosphere-ocean model, MAOOAM. Six configurations are considered, differing for the strength of the atmosphere-ocean coupling and/or the number of model modes. The performance of the EnKF depends on the model configuration, i.e. on its dynamical features. A comprehensive dynamical characterisation of the model configurations is provided by examining the Lyapunov spectrum, Kolmogorov entropy and Kaplan–Yorke attractor dimension. We also compute the covariant Lyapunov vectors and use them to explain how model instabilities act on different model’s modes according to the coupling strength. The experiments confirm the importance of observing the fast scale, but show also that, despite its slow temporal scale, frequent observations in the ocean are beneficial. The relation between the ensemble size, N, and the unstable subspace dimension, n0, has been studied. Results largely ratify what known for uncoupled system: the condition N≥n0 is necessary for the EnKF to work satisfactorily. Nevertheless the quasi-degeneracy of the Lyapunov spectrum of MAOOAM, with many near-zero exponents, is potentially the cause of the smooth gradual reduction of the analysis error observed for some model configurations, even when N>n0. Future prospects for the EnKF in the context of coupled ocean-atmosphere systems are finally discussed.

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Assimilation of semi-qualitative sea ice thickness data with the EnKF-SQ: a twin experiment.

Shah, A., Bertino, L., Counillon, C., El Gharamti, M., Xie, J. 2019: Assimilation of semi-qualitative sea ice thickness data with the EnKF-SQ: a twin experiment. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography.

Summary: A newly introduced stochastic data assimilation method, the Ensemble Kalman Filter Semi-Qualitative (EnKF-SQ) is applied to a realistic coupled ice-ocean model of the Arctic, the TOPAZ4 configuration, in a twin experiment framework. The method is shown to add value to range-limited thin ice thickness measurements, as obtained from passive microwave remote sensing, with respect to more trivial solutions like neglecting the out-of-range values or assimilating climatology instead. Some known properties inherent to the EnKF-SQ are evaluated: the tendency to draw the solution closer to the thickness threshold, the skewness of the resulting analysis ensemble and the potential appearance of outliers. The experiments show that none of these properties prove deleterious in light of the other sub-optimal characters of the sea ice data assimilation system used here (non-linearities, non-Gaussian variables, lack of strong coupling). The EnKF-SQ has a single tuning parameter that is adjusted for best performance of the system at hand. The sensitivity tests reveal that the tuning parameter does not critically influence the results. The EnKF-SQ makes overall a valid approach for assimilating semi-qualitative observations into high-dimensional nonlinear systems.

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Improving weather and climate predictions by training of supermodels.

Schevenhoven, F., F. Selten, A. Carrassi, Keenlyside, N. 2019: Improving weather and climate predictions by training of supermodels. Earth Syst. Dynam., 10, 789–807.

Summary: Recent studies demonstrate that weather and climate predictions potentially improve by dynamically combining different models into a so-called “supermodel”. Here, we focus on the weighted supermodel – the supermodel’s time derivative is a weighted superposition of the time derivatives of the imperfect models, referred to as weighted supermodeling. A crucial step is to train the weights of the supermodel on the basis of historical observations. Here, we apply two different training methods to a supermodel of up to four different versions of the global atmosphere–ocean–land model SPEEDO. The standard version is regarded as truth. The first training method is based on an idea called cross pollination in time (CPT), where models exchange states during the training. The second method is a synchronization-based learning rule, originally developed for parameter estimation. We demonstrate that both training methods yield climate simulations and weather predictions of superior quality as compared to the individual model versions. Supermodel predictions also outperform predictions based on the commonly used multi-model ensemble (MME) mean. Furthermore, we find evidence that negative weights can improve predictions in cases where model errors do not cancel (for instance, all models are warm with respect to the truth). In principle, the proposed training schemes are applicable to state-of-the-art models and historical observations. A prime advantage of the proposed training schemes is that in the present context relatively short training periods suffice to find good solutions. Additional work needs to be done to assess the limitations due to incomplete and noisy data, to combine models that are structurally different (different resolution and state representation, for instance) and to evaluate cases for which the truth falls outside of the model class.

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Impact of ocean and sea ice initialisation on seasonal prediction skill in the Arctic

Kimmritz, M., F. Counillon, L. H. Smedsrud, I. Bethke, N. Keenlyside, F. Ogawa, and Y. Wang:. 2019: Impact of ocean and sea ice initialisation on seasonal prediction skill in the Arctic. JAMES .

Summary:The declining Arctic sea ice entails both risks and opportunities for the Arctic ecosystem, communities, and economic activities. Reliable seasonal predictions of the Arctic sea ice could help to guide decisionmakers to benefit from arising opportunities and to mitigate increased risks in the Arctic. However, despite some success, seasonal prediction systems in the Arctic have not exploited their full potential yet. For instance, so far only a single model component, for example, the ocean, has been updated in isolation to derive a skillful initial state, though joint updates across model components, for example, the ocean and the sea ice, are expected to perform better. Here, we introduce a system that, for the first time, deploys joint updates of the ocean and the sea ice state, using data of the ocean hydrography and sea ice concentration, for seasonal prediction in the Arctic. By comparing this setup with a system that updates only the ocean in isolation, we assess the added skill of facilitating sea ice concentration data to jointly update the ocean and the sea ice. While the update of the ocean alone leads to skillful winter predictions only in the North Atlantic, the joint update strongly enhances the overall skill.

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Seasonal predictions initialised by assimilating sea surface temperature observations with the EnKF

Wang, Y., F. Counillon, N. Keenlyside, L. Svendsen, S. Gleixner, M. Kimmritz, P. Dai, and Y. Gao, 2019: Seasonal predictions initialised by assimilating sea surface temperature observations with the EnKF. Climate Dynamics. .

Summary:This study demonstrates that assimilating SST with an advanced data assimilation method yields prediction skill level with the best state-of-the-art systems. We employ the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM)—a fully-coupled forecasting system—to assimilate SST observations with the ensemble Kalman filter. Predictions of NorCPM are compared to predictions from the North American Multimodel Ensemble (NMME) project. The global prediction skill of NorCPM at 6- and 12-month lead times is higher than the averaged skill of the NMME. A new metric is introduced for ranking model skill. According to the metric, NorCPM is one of the most skilful systems among the NMME in predicting SST in most regions. Confronting the skill to a large historical ensemble without assimilation, shows that the skill is largely derived from the initialisation rather than from the external forcing. NorCPM achieves good skill in predicting El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) up to 12 months ahead and achieves skill over land via teleconnections. However, NorCPM has a more pronounced reduction in skill in May than the NMME systems. An analysis of ENSO dynamics indicates that the skill reduction is mainly caused by model deficiencies in representing the thermocline feedback in February and March. We also show that NorCPM has skill in predicting sea ice extent at the Arctic entrance adjacent to the north Atlantic; this skill is highly related to the initialisation of upper ocean heat content.

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Observational needs for improving ocean and coupled reanalysis, S2S Prediction, and decadal prediction

Penny SG et al. 2019: Observational needs for improving ocean and coupled reanalysis, S2S Prediction, and decadal prediction. Front Mar Sci. .

Summary: Developments in observing system technologies and ocean data assimilation (DA) are symbiotic. New observation types lead to new DA methods and new DA methods, such as coupled DA, can change the value of existing observations or indicate where new observations can have greater utility for monitoring and prediction. Practitioners of DA are encouraged to make better use of observations that are already available, for example, taking advantage of strongly coupled DA so that ocean observations can be used to improve atmospheric analyses and vice versa. Ocean reanalyses are useful for the analysis of climate as well as the initialization of operational long-range prediction models. There are many remaining challenges for ocean reanalyses due to biases and abrupt changes in the ocean-observing system throughout its history, the presence of biases and drifts in models, and the simplifying assumptions made in DA solution methods. From a governance point of view, more support is needed to bring the ocean-observing and DA communities together. For prediction applications, there is wide agreement that protocols are needed for rapid communication of ocean-observing data on numerical weather prediction (NWP) timescales. There is potential for new observation types to enhance the observing system by supporting prediction on multiple timescales, ranging from the typical timescale of NWP, covering hours to weeks, out to multiple decades. Better communication between DA and observation communities is encouraged in order to allow operational prediction centers the ability to provide guidance for the design of a sustained and adaptive observing network.

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