Changes in Arctic Stratification and Mixed Layer Depth Cycle: A Modeling Analysis

Hordoir, R., Skagseth, Ø., Ingvaldsen, R.B., Sandø, A.B., Löptien, U., Dietze, H., Gierisch, A.M.U., Assmann K.A., Lundesgaard,Ø., Lind, S. 2022: Changes in Arctic Stratification and Mixed Layer Depth Cycle: A Modeling Analysis. JGR Oceans.

Summary: We analyzed the results of an ocean model simulation for the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans for the period 1970–2019. Our model is in line with the recent observed changes in the Arctic Ocean and allows, in contrast to the rather sparse observations, a detailed assessment of stratification changes. These changes will affect the Arctic ecosystem and are also believed to affect the large scale ocean circulation. We show that major changes in upper ocean conditions are caused by changes in the fresh water supply by sea ice and varying effect of the wind on regions that are now becoming ice-free. We also study the effect of changes in river runoff into the Arctic Ocean. Our study shows that an increase in river runoff can change the coastal circulation and results, paradoxically, in regions of higher salinity. These results point to the importance of modeling tools when it comes to a better understanding of ocean processes in a changing climate.

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