Society meets Science – open conversation on Climate Risks: How can the latest science in climate predictability help us?


  • When: Wednesday 29 May 2024, 17.30-19.30 CEST
  • Where: “Galleriet” room at Kulturhuset, Vaskerelven 8, 5014 Bergen
  • Language: English
  • Format: Informal, we set up thematic discussions at different round tables around which smaller groups of participants discuss for a set time (e.g. 15 min). Participants then move to new tables throughout the evening. Table hosts will get 1 min at the start of the evening to pitch their table’s topic(s) from a central stage. Light finger food and a drink will be offered, with the possibility to purchase more at the bar. This is a networking evening for scientists, users and purveyors of climate information. We hope to encourage dialogue between diverse actors and better understand how we all think about climate change in our professional lives.
  • Objective: Maximum possible exchange and mutual learning where everyone can share their experiences.

Registration for this event is mandatory. Please send an email to the organisers if you wish to participate. Remember to mention the topic(s) you are interested in discussing and whether you would like to host a table (i.e. facilitate a discussion group). Registration closes on 15/05/2024.

Line-up of table conversation topics:

  • Table 1: Renewable energy: local weather and climate conditions.
  • Table 2: Climate action toolkit for world heritage.
  • Table 3: Co-production (e.g. Integration of multiple knowledge systems; How can we exploit the potential synergies between the private, public and the higher education & research sector? Connecting risk assessment and climate;…)
  • Table 4: Data and its use (e.g. Multiannual climate prediction; Use of subseasonal predictions for decision-making; integrating climate and non-climate data;…)
  • Table 5: Applications-relevant climate information (e.g. Benefiting from climate information at different forecast horizons (seamless predictions); …)
  • Table 6: Climate Services and Communication (e.g. Understanding “when” near-term climate predictions are useful for decision makers; value of climate services; urban climate services; how to improve communication between science and societal actors;…)
  • Table 7: Sea level, storm surge, floods and extreme precipitation
  • Table 8: Ecosystem predictions (to be confirmed)

This side-event is sponsored by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe Impetus4Change project and by the Trond Mohn Research Foundation through the Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit.