Workshop on Climate Prediction and Services over the Atlantic-Arctic region, 27-30th May 2024, Bergen (Norway) and online
From the 27th to the 30th May 2024, 105 researchers gathered under the rain clouds in Bergen to discuss the science of climate prediction and services. Joined by an additional 60 colleagues online, the community gathered experts from 19 countries across 5 continents. The program included 6 keynote talks, 30 oral presentations, 5 break-out groups, 60 pitch presentations and a 2-hr “society meets science” side-event of 37 participants (read more about the side-event here). Inspiring and lively discussions were achieved through the good balance of early career to senior scientists and, more particularly, through the wide-ranging field of expertise, from understanding the Earth system processes underlying climate predictability, to developing and improving prediction systems, to the very inter- and transdisciplinary development of climate knowledge and coproduction of climate services. We thank ALL participants for contributing to a memorable success of this new edition of the Climate Prediction over the Atlantic and Arctic sectors workshop series! A special thank you to our keynote speakers and to the discussion session moderators and rapporteurs, in Bergen and online, for intense and fruitful discussion sessions that will shape the workshop’s perspectives paper. And a warm thank you to our Early Career committee for the social agenda and workshop bingo!
The workshop came as an initiative of the Trond Mohn Research Foundation-funded project, Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit, strongly supported by the collaborating projects: EU HE Impetus4Change, NFR SFI Climate Futures, EU JPI ROADMAP, NFR CoREA and EU HE ASPECT. In addition to the principle support of TMF, we would like to mention a special thank you to Impetus4Change, Climate Futures and ASPECT for making the side-event “society meets science” a success and also to CoREA and ROADMAP for ensuring the hybrid format of this workshop.
Noel Keenlyside, Stefan Sobolowski, Filipa Fransner, Yiguo Wang, Iselin Medhaug, Panos Athanasiadis, Daniela Matei, Albert Sorez, Roberto Suarez Moreno, Stephanie Mayer, Dragana Bojovic, Wolfgang Müller, Francine Schevenhoven, Lilian Garcia, Lea Svendsen, Megan Brunswig and Mahaut de Vareilles
Science, Side-event, Early Career and organising committee members
Workshop Recordings – available to participants only. Individual requests accepted upon consideration by the organising committee. Contact us if you would like access.
Workshop Presentations – will be available until 30.09.2024
Workshop Publication – in preparation. To be submitted for publication in early autumn 2024.