Workshop on Climate Prediction and Services over the Atlantic-Arctic region, 27-30th May 2024, Bergen (Norway) and online

The Atlantic and Arctic oceans have emerged as key sources of climate predictability on multi-annual timescales. This has triggered exciting developments in operational climate prediction and enhanced opportunities in climate services for Europe and the surrounding regions. This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners to discuss recent advances and challenges in this field, covering predictions of the physical climate, biogeochemistry, and ecosystems, and their applications, such as transformation of these predictions into usable climate services. We focus on addressing how to bridge the gaps between subseasonal-to-decadal prediction and long-term climate change projections, between global and regional scales, and between providers and users of climate information. Arranged around three themes with a general focus on the Atlantic-Arctic region:

1.Progress in understanding the mechanisms for predictability;

2.Development of climate prediction systems;

3.Emerging opportunities in climate prediction services;

the workshop seeks contributions fostering the exchange and cross-fertilization of ideas all the way from the development of climate predictions to the provision of tailored climate information and new knowledge to be used in decision-making.

The workshop included breakout discussions and dedicated practitioner networking event to synthesize current status of research on Climate Prediction and Services over the Atlantic-Arctic region, to be published as a meeting report.

Go to Home page to find the Book of Abstract, workshop programme and link to report.

Scientific Organising Committee (by alphabetical order)
Panos Athanasiadis, CMCC, Italy
Filippa Fransner, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Noel Keenlyside, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Daniela Matei, MPI-Met, Germany
Iselin Medhaug, NORCE & BCCR, Norway
Wolfgang Müller, MPI-Met, Germany
Stefan Sobolowski, NORCE & BCCR, Norway
Albert Soret, BSC, Spain
Roberto Suarez Moreno, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Lea Svendsen, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Yiguo Wang, NERSC & BCCR, Norway
Local Organising Committee
Filippa Fransner, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Megan Brunswig, NORCE & BCCR, Norway
Noel Keenlyside, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Stefan Sobolowski, NORCE & BCCR, Norway
Mahaut de Vareilles, UiB & BCCR, Norway
Funding and support:
This workshop is supported by Trond Mohn Foundation through Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit (grant n. BFS2018TMT01) and The Research Council of Norway through the projects CoRea (N. 301396), Climate Futures (N. 309562) and ROADMAP (an EU JPI Climate and JPI Oceans project). The EU Horizon Europe project ASPECT (GA n. 101081460) also provided support for graphics and outreach.
Support for the side-event was provided by the European Union under the Horizon Europe-funded project Impetus4Change (GA n. 101081555) and the Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit.