Bjerknes CPU involvement in related research projects

*Last updated: Dec. 2024*

Project Period Main funding agency; total budget (MNOK); Leader Relevance to BCPU and main contact person at BCPU
BCPU Coordinating
4SICE 2022-2025 RCN China-Norway; 9,9; NERSC (NO) We lead this project and will further improve NorCPM for sea ice prediction. Wang.
COMBINED 2022-2026 RCN China-Norway; 10; UiB (NO) The COMBINED project sets out to better understand interactions between the rapid warming of the Arctic and Tibetan Plateau, as well as other remote and regional feedback processes. We lead this project and contribute with NorCPM, using refined initialisation methods of the Arctic and Tibetan Plateau cryosphere. Li.
PARCIM 2022-2026 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research; 8; NERSC (NO) We lead this project and will develop assimilation of paleoproxy data so as to produce a long millenium reanalysis that can help us to better understand mutli-decadal variability. Counillon.
DYNASOR 2022-2025 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research; 8; UiB and HI (NO) Dynasor will further develop our mechanistic understanding of Arctic-Atlantic climate variability and predictability, namely, clarifying how currents and other features of the North Atlantic Ocean interact. Sandø.
CoRea 2020-2023 RCN; 9,7; NERSC (NO) We lead this project, and will contribute advanced data assimilation methods and reanalysis dataset for improving climate prediction skill. Wang.
ARMOC 2023-2025
NFR scientific renewal; 11; UiB
Will deepen understanding of Arctic overturning circulation and how it will change under global warming, and this important for predicting regional climate change in our region. Årthun.
SuperIce 2023-2024 European Space Agency; 2,8; NERSC (NO)
We lead the project to improve satellite observation of the Arctic sea ice thickness through artificial intelligence, for enhanced seasonal sea ice prediction skill of NorCPM. Brajard.
PRIMA 2023-2026
NERSC basic funding; 4,2; NERSC (NO)
BCPU leads this project, in collaboration with Climate Futures. In PRIMA, we assess the ability of NorCPM to predict marine heatwaves in the Arctic Mediterranean and assess their consequences. Langehaug.
EU MSCA PF; 2,4; UiB
BCPU contributes with NorCPM and model expertise for making skillful forecasts for tuna catch and price fluctuations over the next decade. Noleto, Keenlyside.
2024-2026 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research; 4; NERSC (NO)
We lead this project that aims to develop a machine learning model and monitoring tools for aquaculture and fisheries in the Norwegian shelf. Silva.
BCPU contributes with capability to provide climate reconstruction of the past 400 years with proxy archive, to better understand climate variability. Dalaiden, Counillon.
2025-2026 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research FTI; 0,5; UiB
Hybrid machine learning dynamical prediction. Schevenhoven.
PhD (Marianne Williams-Kerslake)
NFR Stipemdiastilling; 4,5; NERSC (NO)
Analysing the predictability and the impact of Marine heat waves in polar regions. Williams-Kerslake, Langehaug.
BCPU participating
Climate Futures 2020-2028 RCN Centre for research-based innovation; 96; NORCE (NO) BCPU contributes as node leaders on Renewable Energy and Aquaculture (Svendsen and Langehaug). Improving and using NorCPM predictions is a cross-cutting activity. Climate Futures is co-developing predictions for better handling of future climate risks. Svendsen.
MAPARC 2022-2025 RCN China-Norway; 19,9; UiB
We contribute to WP3 on ‘Predictability and prediction of Arctic climate system’, using NorCPM and other CMIP6 climate prediction systems. He, Chiu
NextGEMS 2021-2025 Horizon 2020; 110; MPI-M(DE) We lead a work package on evaluation and use of high-resolution models, which can feed into BCPU model developments. Koseki.
Impetus4Change 2022-2026 Horizon Europe; 100; NORCE (NO) BCPU co-leads a work package on developing innovative super-modelling and super-resolution approaches for climate prediction, and AI approaches for regional downscaling. This will feed into BCPU prediction system developments. Keenlyside, Barthélémy.
SeaPR 2022-2025 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research; 10; NERSC (NO) We contribute to modelling and predicting regional sea level rise. Bethke.
Utenriksdepartementet; 3,7; NERSC (NO)
BCPU will assess the potential of network cable crossing the Arctic ocean to reduce errors in climate models. Counillon.
ObsSea4CLIM 2024-2027
EU HE RIA; 63,9; DMI (DK)
BCPU contributes with reducing model error in sea ice by calibration model parameter with NorCPM and enhancing sea ice prediction. Counillon.
This project will improve and advance the coastal dimension of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). BCPU contributes by providing expertise to monitor risk of harmful algal blooms in the Nordic regions. Silva.
European Space Agency; 5,4; NERSC (NO)
We lead WP 3 and 4 on Earth Observations for Sustainable Aquaculture using machine learning methods. Silva.
Norwegian-Chinese partnership in exchanging student to reach climate neutral and renewable energy. He.
INES2 2025-2029
NFR infra; 110; NORCE(NO)
We lead  WP5 “data assimilation and machine learning” and contribute to many other work package towards the development of the new Norwegian Earth System Model. Counillon, Chiu.
NorESM4CMIP7 2025-2027
NFR; 31;
We co-lead WP3  “Accelerated warming – the relative roles of internal variability, forcings and fast feedbacks” with expertise on initialised reanalysis and predictions. Bethke, Counillon.
We lead a work package on regional Ocean Decadal Predictions, where we aims to downscale our climate predictions model with high resolutions models. Fransner.
Completed projects
INES 2018-2021 RCN; 70; NORCE (NO) NorESM is being further developed with the INES infrastructure project. BCPU contributes through provision of NorCPM  as part this modelling infrastructure. Bethke.
Blue-Action 2016-2021 EU H2020; 75; DMI (DK) We contribute to the mechanisms and climate prediction activities for the Arctic-Atlantic focus of the project, including the development of advanced data assimilation approaches to initialise predictions. Langehaug.
Pathway 2017-2020 RCN; 7,7; UiB (NO) Investigates mechanisms connecting predictability in the North Atlantic, Nordic Seas, and Arctic. Årthun.
ARCPATH 2016-2020 NordForsk NCoE; 28; NERSC (NO) We contribute to ARCPATH’s prediction activities for the Arctic region, contributing improved methods to initialise sea ice. Keenlyside.
InterDec 2016-2020 JPI Climate-Belmont Forum; 23; MPI-M (DE) Our focus here is on improving understanding of low-high latitude teleconnections. Keenlyside.
STERCP 2015-2021 EU (ERC CoG); 20; UiB (NO) Development of the super-model approach to reduce systematic errors in climate model and thereby improve predictions and projections of climate. Keenlyside.
ROADMAP 2020-2024 JPIs Ocean and Climate; 27; MPI-Met (DE) We co-lead this project, and contribute dynamical analysis and novel experiments to understand roles of ocean-atmosphere interaction and teleconnections in the climate of our region. Omrani.
TRIATLAS 2019-2023 EU H2020; 110; UiB We contribute to TRIATLAS’ key aim to develop climate-based ecosystem predictions for the tropical and south Atlantic. Keenlyside.
EUREC4A-OA 2020-2024 JPIs Ocean and Climate; 20; ENS-LMD (FR) We contribute numerical experiments and analysis of ocean-atmosphere interactions associated with mesoscale oceanic eddies in the tropical Atlantic. Koseki, Shunya.
RACE 2020-2023 Belmont Forum; 8,8; IGE (FR) In this highly interdisciplinary project, we contribute to the provision of climate model information for assessing impacts of climate change on Arctic infrastructure and society (See video: RACE). Omrani.
Nansen Legacy 2017-2023 RCN; 360; UiT (NO) We contribute to the prediction of climate and biogeochemistry in Barents Sea. Within the project we adeveloped a higher resolution version of NorCPM and biogeochemistry predictions. Årthun.
PhD (Edson Silva) 2020-2022 NFR Stipendiatstilling; 4,1; NERSC (NO) Development of machine learning capability to predict harmull algae bloom critrical for aquaculture in Norway. Silva, Counillon.
BENGUP, H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 2021-2022 EU MSCA PF; 2,1; UiB The evaluation of simulation and predictability of tropical Atlantic variability and development of AI predictions contribute to BCPU prediction system developments. Bachéléry, Keenlyside.
TOSCP 2023-2024 EU (ERC PoC); 1,4; UiB A follow-up of STERCP, we further test the performance of the novel supermodel for seasonal predictions. Schevenhoven, Keenlyside.
Boljka-FTI2023 2023 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research FTI; 0,5; UiB Focus on developing atmospheric nudging approaches, which can benefit initialisation of climate predictions. Boljka.