Our research

Weather forecasting is a well-established scientific practice serving society. Numerical climate prediction in contrast is in its infancy, but is potentially of equal societal importance: allowing society to better cope with climate fluctuations, reducing risks, optimising resource use, and guiding adaptation.

The Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit’s primary objective is to deliver the best possible climate predictions for the Atlantic-Arctic sector and surrounding continents from a season to a decade and beyond.

The development of skillful numerical climate prediction faces three major challenges: 

  1. The mechanisms underlying prediction are incompletely understood and poorly represented in models. 
  1. Data assimilation methods for combining model and observations must be adapted to the coupled climate system. 
  1. The limits to climate prediction are largely unknown, delaying investment in operational systems. 

We are also facilitating the use of these predictions for climate services applications. 

Find out more by navigating through our Research Activities below.