Noel Keenlyside

Noel Keenlyside

Apart from leading the BCPU, I am mainly involved in RA3 where my work focus on understanding how predictable climate is, through analysis of observations and by numerical experimentation.

What are you most excited about with this project?
The project is super exciting because we combine advanced data assimilation and climate modelling, and we are one of the few groups in the world able to do this. Furthermore, our region is perhaps the most predictable region on multi-annual timescales. Thus, our work has great potential to benefit our society and economy.

What do you see as your biggest challenge for now?
The biggest challenges in this field are model systematic error and the development of data assimilation approaches to account for interactions between ocean and atmosphere, and other parts of the climate system. Another major challenge is to develop climate services, in which climate scientists and stakeholders work together to develop useful forecast products.

Related projects and committees
I contribute to several projects related to climate variability and predictability – NFR SFI Climate Futures, EU H2020 TRIATLAS, NFR Nansen Legacy, EU HE NextGEMS, JPI Oceans&/JPI Climate ROADMAP. I am co-chair the WCRP CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel and am member of the Research Focus Tropical Basin Interactions.
